About Author
David Kroese, of Loves Park, IL, enjoyed a 25-year career in the biotechnology sector after earning a degree in chemical engineering from the University of Illinois. Finding personal growth and development stalled in his career, David turned to his lifelong personal interests for challenge and achievement.
Since childhood, history and places of natural beauty fascinated him, naturally drawing him into physical and literary exploration. David set out to achieve personal fulfillment with the adventure of a lifetime, visiting all of America’s National Park units. In 2014 and 2015, David explored more than 150 parks each year. To celebrate the National Park Service’s centennial in 2016, he visited 387 parks in 360 days, traveling through all 50 states and the Caribbean territories. He completed his visits to all the parks in December 2017. In June 2016, after his first of two trips to Alaska, David’s elderly mother asked if he would write his story, so she and others who cannot see these places might experience them in a story. Released on January 10, 2019, The Centennial: A Journey through America’s National Park System, is the first published narrative introducing all 419 National Park Service units, 30 national trails and over 50 national heritage areas and affiliated sites.